FAQ Vencord Edition | C H I L L A X (2024)

FAQ Vencord Edition | C H I L L A X (1)

Before starting

Before going or reading any further, make sure that you have installed C H I L L A X follwoing the instructions given in Installation Guide for Vencord.

1. How to change the background/background image of CHILLAX?

The steps are first settings, then go to the VENCORD Section and then Themes. Finally, click Edit Quick CSS which should open the integrated Monaco (It's already there no need for installation as this is part of the Vencord itself) code editor. Now using this Editor, you can easily edit CSS with hot reloading. See the below-attached screenshots:

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Now to go to line number 46 (at the time of writing, the line number is 46 which in a later version might change) or where the variable --wallpaper defined and change the url that is within the single quote '' to the wallpaper/gif cdn url that you want to set.

See the below screenshots:

FAQ Vencord Edition | C H I L L A X (5)

Now your favourite background image/gif should be applied.

Procedure to host images on GitHub (click on me to expand):

To host image on GitHub

  1. First create a public GitHub repository with the name of your choice.

  2. Once done creating the repository, add image(s)/gif(s) via the Add File > Upload Files.

  3. After image uploading commit the changes and go back to the repository.

  4. Now click on the image/gif that you want to set and this will take you the image/gif which is now hosted on GitHub.

  5. After that right-click (mouse) on the image and then click on Open image in a new tab

  6. Finally, copy the URL/Link from the browser and paste into the appropriate CSS Variable described/shown earlier.

Congratulation! Now you know how to host images on GitHub.

This process not only applies to image/gif but also for virtually anything including fonts etc.

2. How to change/use another font(s)?

First, make sure that the font you are trying to use is already hosted somewhere if it is not already. Most of the time you will be using google fonts. From there, choose the font you are looking for and adjust all the settings and everything (font weights, size, etc.) and then copy the CSS import url. See the below screenshots:

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    • Only copy the highlighted part. In your case, the link can be different.

  7. FAQ Vencord Edition | C H I L L A X (12)
    • Now go to Settings > Themes > Edit Quick CSS.

    • Paste the copied link at the top just like the above screenshot and put the ; at the end of it.

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    • Now change the --font-nane to the name of the font that you have just imported.

    • Optionally adjust the --font-size if you need to.

And now the new font(s) should be applied.

Alternatively, if you want to use a downloaded font (click on me to expand):

  • Host the font somewhere. GitHub is a good place.

  • For GitHub, all you have to do is create a new repo and upload the font there.

  • The process on how to host a font on GitHub is very similar to the described procedure here.

  • After clicking on the font file, right-click (mouse) on the RAW button located at the right corner and then click Open link in a new tab button. Finally, copy RAW GitHub URL/Link.

  • Now just like in the previous Step 7, we import the font, but this time use the RAW GitHub link instead of the Google font approach. See the below for comparison:

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@100..900&display=swap');

instead, it will be

@font-face { font-family: "Font Name"; /* Replace with the name of the font here */ src: url("RAW GitHub Link"); /* Replace with the hosted github raw link */}

3. How to change the font size?

  • Go to Settings > Themes > Edit Quick CSS.

  • Find the CSS Variable --font-size and change it to your needs.

That's it.

4. How to change the accent color (The Below RED thing/part see attached screenshot)?

FAQ Vencord Edition | C H I L L A X (14)
  • Go to Settings > Themes > Edit Quick CSS.

  • Find the CSS Variables --accentcolor, --accentcolor2 and change them to your needs.

  • You may want to play around with them to find the right balance.

5. How to change the theme welcome username?

  • Go to Settings > Themes > Edit Quick CSS.

  • Find the CSS Variables --user-name and change it.

6. How to make it so that desktop wallpaper/wallpaper engine's wallpaper is visible through?

However, if you have decided to make up your mind, then

  • Go to Settings > Vencord > Enable Window Transparency and turn it on.

  • Now Settings > Themes > Edit Quick CSS and remove the --wallpaper CSS Variable mentioned in here.

  • Your window should now be transparent or see through etc.

  • Now you may want to add a bit of blur to make things readable in the container__037ed. However, discord uses electron, and we have found it to work differently on different OS, and the window manager of your OS also plays a vital role here. So, the below CSS snippet may or may not work properly (Translucence is enabled in window manager level). In case it does not work, it will at least make the container__037ed basically that region a bit darker.

    .container__037ed { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) !important; /* Semi-transparent white for light theme */ /* Or use this for dark theme: background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); */ backdrop-filter: blur(1px) !important; /*Blur the background*/ border-radius: 10px; /* Rounded corners */ /* Or use this for dark theme: border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); */ box-shadow: 0 8px 32px 0 rgba(31, 38, 135, 0.37) !important; /* Optional: Add a box shadow for depth */ }

7. How to change the font of the group chat?

  • We have already mentioned how you can import a custom font and use it here.

  • Now use the below CSS snippet (paste it at the very bottom of the Edit Quick CSS):

/* Reset groupchat name font */.input_f8b740 { font-family: var(--font-name) !important; /* Write the font name here */ font-weight: inherit !important; /* Self explanatory */}

  • If you want, you can replace var(--font-name) with your custom font name if you are planning on using multiple fonts at once.

8. CHILLAX is laggy or slow, very slow, any fix?

  • Make sure that Hardware Acceleration is on. If not, then turn it on.

  • The steps are first settings, then Advance and then turn on Hardware Acceleration.

Almost 99% of the time this is the reason behind lag.

If you are on a system that is not older than six or seven years, the theme should work fine without any lag.

However, as a last resort you can

  • The steps are first Settings, then go to the Themes Section and then Edit Quick CSS.

  • Uncomment line 37 different/or which says /*@import url("https://warrayquipsome.github.io/Chillax/Addons/SimpleLessLag.css");*/ See the below screenshots:

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    • Uncomment this line, and it should look something like the below screenshot:

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  • This should make it a little less laggy.

Consequently, you can try out OpenAsar which is part of the Vencord installer. This should give a bit more performance boost.

9. How to make the member list always stay visible instead of on hover?

This is basically an addon; to remove it:

  • The steps are first Settings, then go to the Themes Section and then Edit Quick CSS.

  • Remove or comment out the line (currently line number 33 and maybe different in your case) containing @import url("https://warrayquipsome.github.io/Chillax/Addons/AvatarOnlyMemberList.css");. Now the member list will always be visible instead of on hover. See the below screenshots:

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    • Now remove/comment out this line.

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    • Finally, you should have something like this:

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10. How to get back the old emojis?

This is also very similar to the previous FAQ. This thing is also an addon. Remove it to get back default emojis:

  • The steps are first Settings, then go to the Themes Section and then Edit Quick CSS.

  • Remove or comment out the line (currently line number 29 and maybe different in your case) containing @import url("https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Themes/EmojiReplace/base/Microsoft.css");.

  • Now you should have the old emojis.

11. How to get rid of the Folder Icons and Make it like the old discord?

  • The steps are first Settings, then go to the Themes Section and then Edit Quick CSS.

  • Remove or comment out the line (currently line number 34 and maybe different in your case) containing @import url("https://warrayquipsome.github.io/Chillax/Addons/FolderRedesign.css");.

  • Now it should be normal like the old discord.

12. How to get rid of the below-attached ugly thing?

FAQ Vencord Edition | C H I L L A X (20)
  • The steps are first Settings, then go to the Themes Section and then Edit Quick CSS.

  • Now the use/paste below css snippet at the very end:

If you are using dark mode, then the below css snippet

/* hide message in the sidebar when using dark mode */.theme-dark .sidebar_a4d4d9 .content_eed6a8:after { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) !important; text-shadow: none !important;}

Or, if you are using light mode, then the below css snippet

/* hide message in the sidebar when using light mode */.theme-light .sidebar_a4d4d9 .content_eed6a8:after { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) !important; text-shadow: none !important;}

  • Now it should be a bit better.

13. How to use dark/light mode in Chillax Theme?

You can enable dark or light mode from the Discord Settings. Steps are:

  • Now go to Settings > Appearance.

  • Finally, choose either light mode or dark mode based on your preference, and Chillax will reflect that.

14. After applying the Chillax theme it looks funny and/or transparent/see through background is missing, what to do?

Before applying the theme:

  • Firstly, make sure that there is no custom css or css snippet(s) is/are running.

  • Secondly, make sure that no party plugin related to theming is running (if debugging, disable all plugins for quicker conclusion).

  • Thirdly, Settings > Appearance is set to either Dark or light mode.

  • Now apply the Latest version of Chillax.

  • Now you should have Chillax with the default look and feel.

15. How to get rid of the mobile icon besides the avatar?

  • The steps are first Settings, then go to the Themes Section and then Edit Quick CSS.

  • Now go to the line 92 or find the line that says --rs-phone-visible: block; and change this line to the below line:

    --rs-phone-visible: none;

  • Now mobile icon or phone icon should be gone.

16. How to change the color of urls/links?

  • The steps are first Settings, then go to the Themes Section and then Edit Quick CSS.

  • Now apply the below css snippet, which will change the color of every url to the color of your choice.

[href^="http://"], [href^="https://"], [href^="www."] { color: #30d944 !important; /* change it to whatever you like */}

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Last modified: 05 August 2024

Common FAQsFAQ BetterDiscord Edition

FAQ Vencord Edition | C H I L L A X (2024)


Is Vencord bannable? ›

Client modifications are against Discord's Terms of Service. However, Discord is pretty indifferent about them and there are no known cases of users getting banned for using client mods! So you should generally be fine as long as you don't use any plugins that implement abusive behaviour.

How do I add custom plugins to Vencord? ›

Install Guide
  1. place the plugins inside the userplugins folder (vencord/src/userplugins)
  2. run pnpm build and pnpm inject again.
  3. enable the plugin in discord settings.

Can you use Vencord on a Chromebook? ›

You can download Vencord from the Chrome Store or use the Userscript.

What is Discord Vencord? ›

Vencord is a modification for discord.com that adds plugins and custom styles, blocks Discord's tracking and more!

How to use fake nitro on Vencord? ›

To enable FakeNitro, first install Vencord if you haven't already done so. Then open the Plugins section in settings, search for FakeNitro, and enable it.

Can I get banned for using BetterDiscord? ›

Your account is not at risk for simply using BetterDiscord alone. Abusing the service or using plugins which further violate the Terms of Service can get your account terminated, however. All plugins from our official website are safe.

What does invisible chat do in Vencord? ›

InvisibleChat. Encrypt your Messages in a non-suspicious way!

Is BetterDiscord against ToS? ›

Is BetterDiscord against Discord's Terms of Service (ToS)? ​ Yes, but unless you do something egregious, such as use it to selfbot or use unapproved plugins, you'll be fine.

Is there Vencord for mobile? ›

Vencord, a highly respected client-side modded client, offers an Android client which essentially embeds the mobile site and enables full Vencord functionality, meaning you can use the No Telemetry plugin to disable almost all non-essential telemetry/“phone home's”.

Can Vencord work with better Discord? ›

Works on any Discord branch: Stable, Canary or PTB all work (though for the best experience I recommend stable!)

What Cannot be done on Chromebook? ›

What a Chromebook can't do
  • Hardcore photo and video editing. Even if you use the in-built tools, photo and video editing are simple with Windows and Macs. ...
  • Multi-tasking. Another area where Chromebooks fall short of Windows or Macs is multitasking. ...
  • Hardcore Gaming. ...
  • Offline productive capabilities.

Is Aliucord against Discord ToS? ›

🙋 FAQ. Using third party clients is against the ToS. We are not responsible for anything that might happen to your account by using third party clients. Use at your own discretion.

How do I add a plugin to Vencord? ›

Adding plugins
  1. Creating the userplugins folder. All official plugins are stored in the src/plugins folder. ...
  2. Adding your plugin. Inside the userplugins folder, you can now add your plugin. ...
  3. Building Vencord. The last step is rebuilding Vencord.
Aug 4, 2024

Why does Discord have NSFW? ›

What is NSFW Discord. NSFW means “Not Safe For Work,” carries a similar meaning on Discord as “Not Suitable For Wumpus,” indicating a channel possibly containing adult content. Implementing age restrictions for a Discord channel equates to using an NSFW label.

What is Discord secret? ›

Clicking the Discord logo in the top left corner 16 times will cause a voice to say "Discordo", a typical Japanese pronunciation of Discord. The audio will continue to play every time you open the app. To disable it, click the logo 16 times again.

Is using FPS Unlocker bannable? ›

Technically, no. But if they are used to exploit or gain unfair advantages, then yes.

Can skin mods get you banned? ›

No, you won't get banned. Only you will be able to see the skin mods you use.

Is using BetterDiscord against ToS? ›

Is BetterDiscord against Discord's Terms of Service (ToS)? ​ Yes, but unless you do something egregious, such as use it to selfbot or use unapproved plugins, you'll be fine.

Is Roshaders allowed? ›

Nope! ro-shade does modify some files but it doesn't changes your/other players gameplay drastically therefore it is not considered as an exploit on a third party program.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.