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Volume » Published by Ushio Shuppansha. Started in 1974.
Short summary describing this volume.
Sangokushi last edited by downinthesewer on 10/28/23 11:37PM View full history
Proper Japanese Title: 三国志
Originally serialized in Kibō no Tomo (1971-1978), Shōnen World (1978-1979) and Comic Tom (1980-1987).
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60 issues in this volume Add Issue Reverse sort
- Issue #60 Vol. 60 October 20, 1988
- Issue #59 Vol. 59 August 30, 1988
- Issue #58 Vol. 58 June 20, 1988
- Issue #57 Vol. 57 April 20, 1988
- Issue #56 Vol. 56 February 10, 1988
- Issue #55 Vol. 55 November 10, 1987
- Issue #54 Vol. 54 August 10, 1987
- Issue #53 Vol. 53 May 15, 1987
- Issue #52 Vol. 52 January 20, 1987
- Issue #51 Vol. 51 October 15, 1986
- Issue #50 Vol. 50 August 15, 1986
- Issue #49 Vol. 49 June 10, 1986
- Issue #48 Vol. 48 April 10, 1986
- Issue #47 Vol. 47 December 20, 1985
- Issue #46 Vol. 46 October 15, 1985
- Issue #45 Vol. 45 August 15, 1985
- Issue #44 Vol. 44 June 1, 1985
- Issue #43 Vol. 43 April 1, 1984
- Issue #42 Vol. 42 March 1, 1985
- Issue #41 Vol. 41 December 25, 1984
- Issue #40 Vol. 40 November 20, 1984
- Issue #39 Vol. 39 September 20, 1984
- Issue #38 Vol. 38 July 16, 1984
- Issue #37 Vol. 37 April 2, 1984
- Issue #36 Vol. 36 December 28, 1983
- Issue #35 Vol. 35 November 25, 1983
- Issue #34 Vol. 34 September 22, 1983
- Issue #33 Vol. 33 June 10, 1983
- Issue #32 Vol. 32 March 20, 1983
- Issue #31 Vol. 31 December 20, 1982
- Issue #30 Vol. 30 September 10, 1982
- Issue #29 Vol. 29 June 20, 1982
- Issue #28 Vol. 28 March 20, 1982
- Issue #27 Vol. 27 January 10, 1982
- Issue #26 Vol. 26 November 10, 1981
- Issue #25 Vol. 25 September 10, 1981
- Issue #24 Vol. 24 July 10, 1981
- Issue #23 Vol. 23 March 10, 1981
- Issue #22 Vol. 22 January 10, 1981
- Issue #21 Vol. 21 November 20, 1980
- Issue #20 Vol. 20 August 10, 1980
- Issue #19 Vol. 19 February 20, 1980
- Issue #18 Vol. 18 December 10, 1979
- Issue #17 Vol. 17 August 10, 1979
- 60 results
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