UPDATE: With this project complete, please check out my donation drive for Volume 2: Radiant Dawn!
Bulk download: Here! (Password: kantopia)
Imgur gallery: Here!
A big thank you to everyone who donated to help me on this project. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. A big thanks to Microwaveit, VincentASM, and AstroknighticalFeats for their help as well!
Original post:
Hello everyone! It's me again here with yet another translation project (that is not a Yonkoma!) You may have seen me around helping VincentASM with things here and there.
As you may know, the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Memorial Book: Tellius Recollection (Vol 1) book has been released. I plan on scanning/translating quite a bit of the book (hopefully the whole thing!). Though it may take awhile as it is done on free time, I hope it will provide some meaningful information for the fans of these games.
All images will be posted on an ongoing post on my blog.
This time, however, I will have some help from the lovely MicrowaveIt in translating different parts of the book, as well as VincentASM helping out here and there, so we can get through it quicker. The pages they do will credit them of course!
Please keep in mind this is all done on our free time though, and that we are making no money for it...so if there are some delays or if some posts take time, we are probably busy with some thing or another!
If you have some good translation skills and would love to help out, feel free to send me a PM (and if you don't have the book, can give you some scans. Though, I highly recommend buying the book yourself above too!) If you have the book but cannot translate, you can still help by scanning pages I may not have scanned yet!
I also want forum user input. I figure the best way to have direction in this project is to see what people want translated the most! Please check the table of contents below and see what interests you, and feel free to leave a request (for priority) in this thread! General discussion is fine too!
Contents of the Book
002 Introduction
004 Contents
006 Chapter I: World & Story
008 The Continent of Tellius & Its History
010 The Countries of Tellius & Their Might
012 Path of Radiance Story Digest
013 Playback: Memories
015 Playback: Greil’s Final Moments
019 Playback: Goldoa’s Prince
021 Playback: Meeting at Goldoa
023 Playback: The Forest Restored
025 Playback: Tragedy of the Medallion
027 Playback: Elincia’s Resolve
029 Playback: Darkness at Gritnea
030 Playback: Showdown
033 Playback: Crimea Rallies
034 Playback: The Mad King Advances
037 Playback: The Bonds that Formed
038 The Crimean Liberation Army’s Route
040 Chapter II: Characters
042 Character Relationship Chart
044 Main Character Profiles
(Characters listed in order as presented here)
112 Character List
128 Chapter III: Concept Art
130 Character Model Sheets
(A full list of specific characters who are presented will be up soon!)
162 Height Comparisons
164 Horses & Dragons
166 Class Designs
170 Weapon Designs
178 Image Boards (Backgrounds)
182 Battle Animations
186 Chapter IV: Relationships
188 Support Conversation Compilation
242 Chapter V: Extra
244 Line Arts
248 Box Art Designs
250 Cover Illustrations
252 Staff Room
254 Life Returns (Lyrics)
Now, we are assuming most people are interested in Chapter III. Chapter II is profiles with info most know (minus character ages and such). Chapter V may be second most interesting. IV and I's playback may be least important, so will be put on low priority.
That's just my guess though, feel free to say otherwise.
So, by default, I will be going through Chapter III first, translating characters in no particular order (usually by favorite/personal interest).
Let's see if we can get the bulk of this done before October rolls around and Vol 2 comes out... xD
Things Completed Thus Far:
Chapter I Content: (World & Story)
(P. 08) History of Tellius (Translated by Vincent ASM)
(P. 09) Timeline (Translated by VincentASM)
(P. 10) Beorc History (Translated by VincentASM)
(P. 11) Laguz History (Translated by VincentASM)
(P. 11) The Life Span of Beorc & Laguz (Translated by Microwaveit)
"The goddess Ashura created beorc and laguz. Since they were made in the Goddess’ likeness, their outward appearances (with, of course, some differences) were rather similar. However, the life expectancy between the races was quite different. Members of the Dragon tribe live exceptionally long, and even the Beast tribe, which has the closest life expectancy to the beorcs, has three times the average life expectancy. Beneath is a chart that was created by the noble families of Begnion, which we can look at for reference.
According to the chart, for each beorc year that a beast or bird laguz appears to be, they have actually aged the equivalent of three. If they look to be twenty, they have lived about sixty years. Among the bird tribes, the herons live the longest. The power of the honorable dragon tribes can be understood just from their extremely long life span. As they live 17 to 18 times as long as humans, their idea of history and confrontation is understandably very different.
Children who are born between a beorc and laguz, commonly referred to as the branded, are also contained in the chart. According to what is written, even a mix with a powerful dragon will live only 3 times as long as beorc on average. If beorc and laguz become closer and mix from here on out, we can predict that the lifespan of the branded will become closer and closer to that of beorc. Will a day like that come? We can’t be sure."
*Half Beast = Half Lion.
Chapter II Content: (Profiles)
Notes regarding profiles (from the book):
Main Character Commentary
From page 44 to 109, we compiled 66 of the main character illustrations and profile commentaries. All illustrations were done by Senri Kita based on the characters that were designed for the game.
Character commentary/explanations. The content contains information that covers up until the end of the Mad King's War. Things like origin, family structure, and personal history are included.
A lot of the characters reappear in Radiant Dawn, and so have backgrounds that were unknown in Path of Radiance. Details like that will remain hidden for Tellius Recollection Volume 1, and be expanded upon in Volume 2.
Personal Data
The top block contains "Race/Class/Affinity/Origin." This is information that can be found in game. Character ages that had been confirmed (at the start of Path of Radiance) are also noted. "Apparent Designed Ages" are ages that were noted in design documents as a rough approximation of how old a character appears, but are by no means an absolute age for the character.
The bottom block contains "Hobby/Talent/Finds Important/Likes/Dislikes" of a character. These are all taken from design documents of the characters themselves. As such, they may contain information that is not really in the main game itself, or include slight differences [from the final product]. Do not assume the profiles to be absolute, either. It is more that we wished to capture a broad "essence" of a character [rather than set it in stone]. For example, in Ike's case, he may love meat, but there could be days where he wants to eat fish too. Likewise, though his father is dear family to him, there are times where he may disagree or feel frustrated by him.
Memorable lines from characters. Selections are generally lines from the main story, rather than focusing on support conversations.
All Character Personal Data (Hobbies, Likes/Dislikes, Talents, etc)
All Character Ages (Just ages)
Gatrie (P. 50) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Greil (P. 54) (Notes translated by VincentASM)
Elena (P. 55) (Notes translated by VincentASM)
Caineghis (P. 68) (Partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Giffca (P. 69) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Mordecai (P. 71) (Partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Reyson (P. 76) (Notes translated by VincentASM)
Leanne (P. 77) (Notes translated by VincentASM)
Gareth (P. 85) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Tanith (P. 90) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Marcia (P. 91) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Muarim (P. 95) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Tauroneo (P. 101) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Jill (P. 102) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Haar (P. 103) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
Ilyana (P. 104) (Notes translated by VincentASM)
Volke (P. 105) (Notes translated by VincentASM)
Largo (P. 111) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats)
(All Portraits below can be seen in imgur gallery here)
Soren, Zihark, Marcia, Titania, and Kieran's unused Character Portraits (with translations)
Chapter III Content: (Concept Art)
Mist, Elena, & Greil (132-133)
Oscar, Boyd, Gatrie, & Shinon (138-139)
Rhys, Rolf, & Elincia (140-141)
Elincia, Geoffrey, & Lucia (142-143)
Caineghis, Ranulf, Lethe, & Mordecai (146-147)
Dheginsea, Kurthnaga, & Generic Dragons (148-149)
Ena, Gareth, Rajaion, & Tibarn (150-151)
Reyson, Leanne, Naesala, & Nealuchi (152-153)
Sanaki, Zelgius, & Sephiran (154-155)
Sigrun, Tanith, & Marcia (156-157)
Ashnard & the Black Knight (158-159)
Ilyana, Stefan, & Calill (160-161)
Height Comparisons Chart (162-163) (Translated by Microwaveit)
Basic Class Designs (1) (166-167)
Basic Class Designs (2) (168-169)
Bow Designs (176)
Magic Tomes + Brief History of Magic in Tellius (177)
Beorc Landscapes (178-179) (Translated by Vincent ASM)
Laguz Landscapes (180-181) (Translated by Vincent ASM)
Battle Animation Sketches (1) (P. 183-184)
Battle Animation Sketches (2) (P. 184-185)
Chapter V Content: (Extras)
Opening Movie Sketches (P. 246-247)
Cover Art + Senri Kita Comments (250-251)
Developers' Thoughts (252-253)
Cut Ike Portrait (from Last Page)
Edited by Kirokan